Rib City 3 v 3 Rules 1. All games will have an official. 2. Game Length: The first team to 15 (win by 2, 20 point cap) wins or whichever team is winning at the end of 25 minutes regardless of point differential. In case of a tie score at the end of regulation there will be a coin flip to determine possession and the first basket wins. 3. GAME TIME IS FORFEIT TIME! 4. All games are half court and played by 2 teams of three with a maximum of 4 per roster. Teams MUST have at least three people to start a game. 5. Time Outs: One per team per game...duration 45 seconds in length and the game clock doesn’t stop. NO timeouts are permitted in the last three minutes of the game. 6. A field goal is worth one (1) point. A successful field goal from beyond the 3 point line is worth two (2) points. 7. Substitutions. Substitutions may be made after a basket or any stoppage of play. 8. A coin flip before the start of the game will determine who gets the ball out-of-bounds first. The team listed first or on top of the bracket will call the coin toss. 9. The possession changes after each made basket (this is NOT make it, take it). 10.The “Check Line” is determined by the three point arc. The ball must be checked on every dead ball possession by the opposing team. After being checked there are no restrictions on how a team puts the ball in play. 11.On defensive rebounds (including airballs) and steals, the ball must be passed or dribbled beyond the arc. The ball does not need to be given to a different player. “Take back” means one foot behind the arc and, there are no limitations on who can shoot it. 12.If the ball is knocked out of bounds or goes across the mid court line it shall be awarded to the opposing team (the team that did not knock it out) at the top of the key. 13.Alternating possession on all jump ball situations will be in effect. 14.If a foul is called while a player is attempting a shot and the basket is made then count the basket, record the foul and no foul shot is awarded and the ball changes possession. If fouled in the act of shooting and the shot is missed, the fouled team will take the ball out at the “check line”. On the 7th foul and beyond, the team fouled will be awarded one (1) point and the ball changes possession. A GAME CAN NOT END IN A FOUL. If a player is fouled on game point, the player fouled must must shoot one free throw. If he/she makes it the game is over. If he/she misses, the ball changes possession and goes to the opposing team. 15.A court monitor may call a technical foul for flagrant, intentional fouling. A dead ball technical foul shot will be awarded to the team fouled. The team captain selects the shooter for one shot from free throw line. The shooting team also retains possession of the ball following the free throw, whether the shot is made or missed. 16.Continual misconduct or flagrant/intentional fouling will result in immediate dismissal of the guilty player or teams from that particular game and/or all remaining games at the discretion of the court monitor. Fighting and or throwing a punch will not be tolerated under any circumstances and will result in immediate dismissal of the entire team without refund.